Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time and attention

All of a sudden a month has gone by since I left Chicago and I realized this past week that the blog has been more adventure than insight.  Part of that was finally figuring out how to post something remotely that was more than 160 characters (the limit of my text messaging) and pictures, so today I figured out how to post from email.  "Baby steps" as they say.

After catching up on sleep and the wonderful hospitality of friends and family, I realized the other thing I have appreciated about being off has been not rushing through my days, not feeling like I have to cram everything into a day or and evening or a weekend.  My weekend with Bart really helped me to slow down.  Our walks were quite meditative.  I was able to pause to consider a bee with orange shin guards, the interior of a tree split apart by the high winds, or help out a turtle who had high centered on a limb that had come down across the path.  Without his hearing, and diminishing vision, Bart likes to follow behind so he can keep his eye on you.  His sense of smell is still keen which I suppose means the world to him.  It led me to consider how in rushing from one activity or commitment to the next, there is a lot I miss.  And when I do happen to pay attention, I have at times relied on external signals, sometimes true and helpful, and other times false and misleading.  This upcoming retreat is a chance turn my attention with greater intention to interior movements, listening deeply for the Spirit and where those movements will take me next.

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