Sunday, August 16, 2009

DIA - Its not what you're thinking

Bet you thought I am posting from the Denver airport, but instead I've had a great afternoon at the Detroit Institute of Art. A very diverse collection including the Diego Rivera murals in the Great Hall. One of the nicest amenities are the many padded benches with seat backs in many of the galleries. Those and engaging commentary invite one to be in front of a work long enough to see the subtleties of composition, color, light and often enough comedy. Well done DIA!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Received my Crown

Dr. Resnick, aka "Super Res", my childhood dentist dubbed me "Queen Jenéne." It gave me great delight that he deemed my sister Shelly a mere Princess. 8 weeks ago I made a trip to see Dr. Chang, for what was the first of a 4-visit root canal, and which I suspect was the trigger for the shingles. Today she crowned me with a new porcelain molar on a gold post. One more visit next week for final adjustments and a general cleaning and at least the dental phase of my unanticpated journey this summer will be over.

The shingles look to be a longer haul. I've been back at work, but balancing pain management with my ability to focus on the tasks at hand has been a challenge. In general the nerve pain has lessened, but is not gone. I know it won't last forever, but boy, for those of you eligible, get that vaccine!

This coming weekend I'm looking forward to a visit from Cincinnati friends Joan & Don. We have booked a lovely Gold Coast hotel and have plans for fine dining, a concert and sightseeing. A most welcome diversion. I'll be back on the road in earnest beginning August 15th with orientation visits to a few of the ministries I will be supporting in Detroit and Cleveland. After a very quick turn around in Chicago, I head for a weekend in Vail with my mom and dad, enroute to a national meeting of retreat house and spirituality program directors at Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House in Sedalia, southwest of Denver. A new smartphone is in the works and I hope to get back into a groove of posts from the road.